The push toward zero-emissions vehicles has been stronger lately than ever before. With the rising popularity of successful brands like Tesla, more and more consumers are beginning to latch on to eco-friendly alternatives, whether EVs or hydrogen fuel cell cars. For some countries though, this adoption isn’t happening as fast as they’d like.

Recently, the Netherlands’ labor party, known as the PvdA, has proposed to ban all gas and diesel-powered vehicles from the country as soon as 2025. This ban would encompass all makes and models that aren’t emissions-free, including hybrids and plug-in hybrids.

The country had previously signed onto the Global ZEV (Zero Emissions Vehicle) Alliance, an international agreement that would ban the sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2050. However, the Netherlands have decided to accelerate the plan on their own.

Unsurprisingly, this proposed law has been met with opposition from other politicians. Many don’t believe the technologies will be widespread enough by 2025. However, Jan Vos, PvdA’s representative in parliament, has responded to the criticism by stressing that the Dutch “need to kick their addiction to fossil fuels” and that the motion is “simply a vision for an emissions-free future.”

(Source: Digital Trends)


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